Slow Windows Computer - How to Fix Your Slow Windows Computer and Make it Faster in Minutes


Is your computer running slow? The chances are 90 percent of the problem is in the windows registry. The registry is where all the information regarding your computer is kept. Most of the time, it is here where you find the main problem regarding the speed of your computer.

The Windows registry is like a library wherein the books are kept full of information on how to run windows and helps run the entire system. If there is something missing or if the books are damaged, then, the entire library suffers. This is how the problem with windows and your computer begins.

All these errors can be traced back to the windows registry and there are two ways to fix this. Manually or automatically. The manual method is only if you know what you are doing and this is what you need to do.

Go to the windows start menu then to run. Then type in regedt32. You will see a box pop up on the screen saying registry editor.

You then need to go to the Hkey_Local_Machine folder and open that and then go to software. In there you will see all the programs that are installed. All the entries in there have simple settings telling windows if they are enabled or not and if you are sure the programs in there are no longer installed you can delete the registry keys and the folders.

If you delete the wrong keys there are no warning messages and once they are gone you will not get them back.

The other way to do this is automatically.

You can run a free registry scan that shows you graphically what the problems are and unlike with what you see in the registry all you will see are the errors and a message telling you what to do. You don't need a technician or to be one to do this. You just need to download the software, which is free and then let it scan your registry and you can uncover all these errors all by yourself.

Once you spot the errors on your computer you can remove them immediately with just a click of the mouse. Once this is done, your computer will return to its normal speed and your problems are gone as well, without having to worry about any more errors or corruption in the registry or with windows.

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